Stock firmware for Pavo M9 Android TV box

Stock firmware for Pavo M9 Android TV box

Pavo M9 plugs into any HDMI TV to add Android apps, 4K streaming & HDMI recording. Read our Pavo M9 Android TV box

The plastic Pavo M9 is surprisingly better-looking than the metal Draco HW80. A sleek black box with rounded

corners, this smaller Tronsmart Android TV box omits the ugly antenna seen poking out of the Draco’s rear.

Front the front all you see is a power button and the remote sensor, at the side sit three USB ports (2x USB 2.0, 1x

USB 3.0) and a microSD card slot, and everything else is tucked away at the rear.

Stock firmware for Pavo M9 Android TV box

Local updating instruction.pdfDownload
Reset+USB updating instruction.pdfDownload
Pavo M9_OTA zipDownload
Mstar Upgrade. binDownload
Mstar Upgrade. bin systemDownload
Picture-in-Picture available in the new firmware_150709
Here is the mstarupgrage.bin_150709Download
Pavo M9 OTA_150709.zipDownload
New stock firmware_V1.0.3.09 for Pavo M9
Local updating firmwareDownload
SD card updating methodDownload

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